Internal Martial Arts Workshop:
Traditional Chinese Swordsmanship and Push Hands
with Scott M. Rodell
Traditional Chinese Swordsmanship and Push Hands
with Scott M. Rodell
Friday, August 19th, 5:30pm to 7:30pm: Beginning Push Hands: $35
Saturday, August 20th, 9:30am to 4:00pm: Sword drills & applications: $100
Saturday, August 20th, 5:30pm to 7:00pm: Sword cutting: $35
Sunday, August 21st, 9:00am to 12:00pm: Advanced push hands: $50
Sunday, August 21st, 1:30pm to 4:30pm: Tournament Swordplay: $50
Cost to attend all sessions: $240
Friday: Legends Park, Boylan Road, Bozeman, MT: Map
Sat & Sun: The Martial Arts Center, 210 South Wallace, Bozeman, MT: Map
BCMA is pleased to welcome Scott Rodell back to Bozeman for another great workshop. This year's workshop includes two push hands sessions and two sword sessions. Friday's beginning push hands will be geared towards a basic understanding of push hands practice and its role in Tai Chi. The advanced sesson on Sunday will focus on more technical aspects, including drills, strategies and overall concepts. Saturday's sword session will include refinement of drills and techniques, followed by partner work to reinforce the drills, and will break up into groups based on experience level. Sunday's session will focus on tournament and freeplay skills, and will requre protective gear. There will also be a sword cutting session Saturday evening. Participants must attend the Saturday sword session or have previous sword training prior to attending the sword cutting. More information is available on the registration page here.
These worksops are an invaluable tool in bringing a sense of practical realism and deeper understanding to form and solo practice, and understanding the use and proper application of the jian (straight sword) and the body structure. While those who have previously studied a tai chi forms will find the techniques presented most familiar, practitioners of all styles of Asian and European swordsmanship and martial arts are welcome, regardless of background or skill level.